Desert mammals
- Coyote
- Coyote
- Coyote
- Coyote
- Coyote
- Coyote
- Coyote
- Coyote
- Coyote
- Coyote
- Coyote
- Coyote
- Coyote
- Coyote
- Bighorn sheep
- Bighorn sheep
- Bighorn sheep
- Bighorn sheep
- Wild donkey, burro
- Wild donkey, burro
- Wild donkey, burro
- Wild donkey, burro
- Wild donkey, burro
- Wild donkey, burro
- Oatman burro
- Camels in the West
- Camels in the West
- Cottontail rabbit
- Cottontail rabbit
- Jack rabbit
- Jack rabbit
- Desert pocket mouse
- Desert pocket mouse
- Desert pocket mouse
- Cangaroo rat
- Antelope ground squirrel
- Antelope ground squirrel
- Antelope ground squirrel
- Antelope ground squirrel_
- Roundtail ground squirrel
- Roundtail ground squirrel
- Roundtail ground squirrel
- Roundtail ground squirrel
- Roundtail ground squirrel
- Roundtail ground squirrel
- Roundtail ground squirrel
- Western spotted skunk
- Mojave desert cattle
- Mojave desert cattle
- Mojave desert cattle
Reptiles / Rattlesnakes & wannabes
- Green mojave rattlesnake
- Northern mojave rattlesnake
- Northern mojave rattlesnake
- Red diamond rattlesnake
- Red diamond rattlesnake
- Northern mojave rattlesnake
- Northern mojave rattlesnake
- Red diamond rattlesnake
- Red diamond rattlesnake
- Red diamond rattlesnake
- Colorado desert sidewinder
- Red racer
- Long nosed snake
- Long nosed snake
- Gopher snake
- Gopher snake
- Gopher snake
- Gopher snake
- Gopher snake
- Gopher snake
- Gopher snake
- Gopher snake
- C.Fletcher on rattlesnakes
- C.Fletcher on rattlesnakes
Reptiles / Iguanas
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
- Iguana
Reptiles / Lizards & frogs
- Death valley lizard
- Desert night lizard
- Leopard lizard
- Western whiptail
- Vigilant Whiptail lizard
- Whiptail pretending to be Rock lizard
- Mojave fring toed lizard
- Desert spiny lizard
- Desert spiny lizard
- Rock lizard
- Rock lizard
- Rock lizard
- Rock lizard
- Horned toad
- Frogs
Reptiles / Desert tortoise
- Desert tortoise
- Desert tortoise
- Desert tortoise
- Desert tortoise
- Desert tortoise
- Desert tortoise
- Rock tortoise
Desert birds
- Gambels quail
- Gambels quail
- Gambels quail
- Gambels quail
- Roadrunner
- Roadrunner
- Roadrunner
- Roadrunner
- Roadrunner
- Roadrunner
- Roadrunner
- x
- Night owl
- Long eared owl
- x
- Red tailed hawk
- Turkey vulture
- Boat tailed grackle
- Mallard duck and grackle
- Raven
- Raven
- Rose breasted grosbeak
- Wilson warbler
- x
- Ocotillo and hummingbird
- Ocotillo and hummingbird
Scorpions & a wannabe
- Giant hair scorpion
- Giant hair scorpion
- Giant hair scorpion
- Giant hair scorpion
- Giant hair scorpion
- Giant hair scorpion
- Giant hair scorpion
- Giant hair scorpion
- Giant hair scorpion
- Wind scorpion or sun spider
Desert spiders
- Black widow female
- Long legged wolf spider
- Long legged wolf spider
- Desert orb weaver
- Tarantula
- Tarantula
- Tarantula
- Tarantula
- Tarantula
Other insects
- Praying mantis
- Praying mantis
- Desert locust
- Desert locust
- Desert locust
- Desert locust
- Banded winged grasshopper
- Banded winged grasshopper
- Long horned beetle
- Desert spider beetle or Inflated beetle
- Desert spider beetle or Inflated beetle
- Blister beetle
- Eleodes or Darkling beetle
- Soldier beetle
- California root borer
- California root borer
- Desert roach
- Tarantula wasp
- Tarantula wasp
- Tarantula wasp
- Wasp nest
- Desert ants
- Desert ants
- Desert monarch
- Sulphur butterflies
- Sulphur butterflies
- White lined sphinx
- California tent caterpillar
- Blue caterpillar
- California tent caterpillar
- Tent caterpillars
- Tent caterpillars
The flora and fauna chapters name species where available. If you want to help me with the unknown (x-marked), please refer to the picture# and e-mail me to