California impressions (Pictures taken during the Thousand-Mile Summer walk, retracing Colin Fletcher’s original route, based on his personal notes, photos and maps used in 1958.)
Desert fauna (desert mammals, reptiles, insects, and birds)
Desert flora (flowers, brush, and trees)
Desert cacti (barrels, prickly pears, chollas, hedgehogs, and mounds)
Mountain fauna (mountains mammals, insects, and birds)
Mountain flora (flowers, brush, and trees)
Mojave Desert Heritage & Cultural Association (The MDHCA at work in Goffs, California)
The Railroad (Burlington Northern Santa Fe meets Union Pacific)
California painter Carroll Thomas
The flora and fauna chapters name species where available. If you about the unknown (x-marked), please refer to the picture# and e-mail to
Photos, Webdesign © COLITA. Andreas M Cohrs